Friday, March 29, 2013

Holy Week

Beth A. Richardson is a master at short devotions for seasons of the church year.  She sends daily emails to subscribers during Advent and Lent and now Holy Week as well.  You can sign up to receive Advent devotion emails (beginning Dec. 2) by clicking any of the links below.

Each link below will take you to a different day in Holy Week.  There's a picture, a scripture, words to think about and carry with you, an audio file and suggested scripture readings for that day.

Monday of Holy Week

Tuesday of Holy Week

Wednesday of Holy Week

Maundy Thursday

Good Friday

Holy Saturday


Friday, March 15, 2013

March Administrative Board Meeting

March 3, 2013

Daryl Perry opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes from the December meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
                                    General Fund Balance, 2-26-13           $5094.86
                                    Building Fund Balance, 2-26-13           $3896.37
                                    Total                                                    $8991.23

Our budget is $50,000 for the year.  We are in the black and doing well.

Old Business:
Heat and Air system:  It was suggested that we look into replacing our old system with something more efficient. An off-the-cuff estimate was $5000-$7000.  We have $1000 already designated for a new heat and air system. Daryl volunteered Ken, Al and Jesse to look at prices to get an idea of how much it would really cost. 
Barbara & Jesse pledged $1000 to the project; Ann & Al pledged another $1000. Al made a motion to start a fund to raise money to replace our heat and air system.  Beth seconded it. All in favor say “Heat & Air.”  Motion carried.

New Business:
Piano in sanctuary needs to be fixed and tuned. 

Twyla volunteered to water church plant life over the summer.

Trash off date will be near Earth Day in April.

VBS is set for June 16-21.  Snyder’s VBS will be in July.

Snyder service at the pond will be in June.

Shad Hannabass will continue mowing the grass at $60 per mow.

We would like to start taping Jim’s sermons.  That will require the purchase of a new digital video camera.

There is a puzzle party once a month in the big Sunday School room.

Welcome home celebration is planned for the weekend of the town birthday party, August 24-25

Bob Mcfadzean said, “Let’s go home.”  Judy agreed.  Meeting adjourned.