Administrative Board Minutes



      December 6, 2015

      Minutes from the November 1, 2015 meetings read.
      Anna Jones made a motion to approve the minutes.  Ann Bennett seconded.  Motion carried

      10/19/15 - 11/17/15
      General fund:   8,957.14
      Building Fund:  14,700.61
      Total:                 23,657.75

      $484.00 t-shirt order has not yet been deleted from the total yet.

      Alba suggested making an account to save money for an air conditioner. Twyla Woodward made a motion to adopt the treasurer's report.  Betty Bigbow seconded. Motion carried.

      Three children have been chosen from the school Angel Tree.  They are cousins living in the same house.  Patsy and Alba are going  shopping at the new Walmart on Monday, Dec. 7, if anyone wants to join them.

      There are 54 yearly planners left.  They are on sale for $3.00 each.

      $150.00 went through for the FCA meal at school.

      Cave Quest VBS curriculum starter kit should arrive in January.

      Santa from the Shriners will come for our Christmas program.
      Alba made a motion to donate $100.00 to the Shriners. Patsy seconded. Motion carried

      Women's Circle is going to try meeting twice a month. They will meet on the first Saturday at 8:00 am for breakfast and a lesson. They will continue to meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm. The Saturday meeting was added to allow people to come who work during the week.

      We have nearly as many people in church as Snyder does. Keep up the good work.
      Pastor Les gave out his cell phone number 580-276-6897. Feel free to call or text him if you need him. His phone number is also on the bulletin and Grace Notes each week.

      There's was a short discussion about putting a church sign at the corner of the highway.

      Pastor Les asked for a motion to adjourn. Patsy so moved.  Maurice seconded,  Motion carried.

      Pastor Les closed with prayer.

      November 1, 2015
      Daryl Perry opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes from the August 30th & September 13, 2015 meetings read and approved.

      TREASURERS REPORT: 9/16/15 - 10/16/15
      General fund: 5,107.42
      Building Fund:  14,699.40
      Total:  19,806.82
      Our total insurance bill has been paid which saved money and stamps.
      We've had an additional expense: Lowe's bill for paint and caulk.
      Pastor Les made a motion to adopt the treasurer's report, Anna Jones seconded, Motion carried.

      Painting project:  The painter fell and said it is too scary to paint so high up.  he said he would do it if will rent a lift. He gave an estimate to do the whole church (latex prime and top coat) for $3750.
      It was suggested that we paint it ourselves.  Daryl Perry suggested that we put corners on the church and get the church ready to paint.

      Alba, Robert and Shelia are working on transforming the big Sunday School room from a storage area to a children's Sunday School room.

      Alba has ordered the VBS starter kit for VBS 2016. It should arrive in January.
      There was a discussion about financially supporting the monthly FCA meal at school. Anna made a motion to support the FCA meal with a $150.00 donation. Patsy Seconded. All in favor say, "KIDS!" Motion carried.

      We will host the 5th Quarter n February (last home game).

      Alba told us about T-shirts that we can order for a base price of $8.95. We have to order a minimum of 6 shirts by NOV 18 to get the cheapest price. Pastor Les made a motion to order the shirts. Maurice Jones seconded. All in favor say, "SHIRTS!" Motion carried.

      Upcoming dates:
      Men's breakfast - NOV 21; DEC 19
      Snyder Ministerial Alliance Thanksgiving song fest - NOV 22 in Snyder
      Senior Citizen Party - DEC 13, 1:00 pm
      Christmas Program - DEC 20, 6:00 pm
      Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Indiahoma - DEC 24, 6:00 pm
      Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Snyder - DEC 24, 7:30 pm

      Herwannah asked to use Fellowship Hall for her family Thanksgiving. Permission granted.

      Harold Hunt has called and ordered Christmas candy & fuit from Kenny at Country Mart.  Now we  need to collect money to pay for it.

      Alba brought up the school Angel Tree.  We usually buy gifts for 2 to 3 siblings. Pastor Les made a motion to support the school Angel Tree again this year. Patsy Stoll seconded. Motion carried.

      Les asked, "How are things going?" Lots of people are coming to church.

      A community member needs help. Anna Jones made a motion to help this person. Kimmie seconded. All in favor say "AMEN!"  Motion carried.

      Betty Bigbow made a motion to adjourn.
      Colleta seconded.
      All in favor say, "LET'S GO HOME!"
      Motion carried

      Meeting was closed with prayer.

      September 13, 2015
      Hewannah made a motion stating: We are incorporating and verifying our deeds.  It will be completed before next annual conference.
      Sheilia seconded.
      Motion carried.

      Charge Conference is OCT 4, 2015 at Cache UMC.  There will be a pot luck dinner; no church dinner at Indiahoma.

      Maurice made a motion to adjourn.
      Jay Woodward seconded.
      Motion carried.
      Meeting adjourned.

      August 30, 2015
      Pastor Les opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes from the August 2nd, 2015 meeting read and approved.

      August 17, 2015
      General fund: 4,668.49
      Building Fund:  17,343.40
      Total:  22,011.89

      Les made a motion to adopt the treasurer's report. 
      Anna seconded.  
      Motion carried.

      Wayne Roach replaced the window unit in the children's Sunday School room.

      Daryl found a painter who will scrape and paint the bell tower (two coats) for $500.  We buy the paint and caulk. 
      Herwannah made a motion to hire the painter, 
      Katherine seconded. 
      Motion carried.

      No New Business

      Daryl will do the trustee report because Ken is busy taking care of Shirley.

      Forms need to be submitted in 2 weeks, by the 13th of September.

      We will have another meeting on Sept. 13 at 1:00 pm to approve everything.

      Audit report is done
      CVIL form done
      Pastor's compensation (no change) - Pastor will fill it out.
      Proposed budget - done
      SPPRC will meet Aug 31 at 5:00 pm
      Nominations Form - Nominations Committee
      Safe Church - part of trustees
      Lay Leader - Fred
      Lay Speaker - Daryl

      Daryl made a motion to adjourn
      Anna seconded
      All in favor say "Hallelujah!"
      Motion adjourned.

      Herwannah closed the meeting with prayer.

      August 2, 2015
      Daryl Perry opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes from the May 3, 2015 meeting were read and approved.

      TREASURERS REPORT 6/15/15 - 7/15/15:

      General Fund - 11,982.18
      Building Fund - 17,341.75
      TOTAL         - 29,323.93

      District Apportionments paid in full
      2015 Conference Apportionments will be paid in full to save on postage

      We have lots of money in the building fund in preparation for a new air conditioner.


      We had a good Vacation Bible School, the roof is fixed and the water no longer leaks in.

      Review of Upcoming Dates:

      • Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Women's Circle, 1:00 pm in Fellowship Hall
      • Saturday, August 15, 2015 - Cowboy Breakfast at the Dissinger's house. Fred will start the fire at daybreak, breakfast is served at 8:00 am. Robert eggs, Daryl bacon, Jay OJ, Mark grave, Betty sausage, Maurice potatoes, Fred back up biscuits in Dutch oven, Jim donuts,Dissingers coffee. Bring your own chair.
      • Saturday, August 29, 2015 - Indiahoma Town Birthday Party in the town park. 7:00 p.m. Cake and music.
      • Sunday, August 30, 2015 - Welcome Home Church Service. There will be a pot luck dinner at 12:30 pm.  (No meal in September) We will not send out invitations this year.  Get the word out through facebook and word of mouth.
      • Sunday, October 4, 2015 - Charge Conference. The SPRC needs to meet soon to get all their forms (availabe on-line) filled out. Pastor Les will print the forms and bring them to church on Sunday. We'll need to have a meeting to approve new appointments.  Alba suggested staying after church one Sunday to have that meeting.

      Barbara Robertson made a motion to give a donation To Katherine Hunt from the church. Many others had been thinking the same thing. Patsy Stoll seconded the motion.  All those in favor say,"YAY! Katherine!  Motion carried.

      There was a discussion on having a community shower for Katherine and for people who lost their homes in the flood when people are back in their homes and ready for "new stuff."

      Daryl Perry will get an estimate for painting the bell tower and a separate estimate for painting the outside of the church. Some of the siding may need to be replaced.

      Alba Dissinger brought up our copy machine.  It is being held together with duct tape and the toner cartridges are difficult to find. It's still working so we will plug along for awhile.

      Alba also mentioned a new window unit for the Sunday School room.  The one in there is so old she doesn't want to turn it on.  Wayne Roach said he has one.

      Patsy Stoll suggested buying a copier at the Lawton Public School sale.  They are closing several schools and will be selling their equipment.

      Wayne Roach would like to help with Sunday Worship Service.  Pastor Les suggested that Wayne and Fred alternate monthly.

      There was a discussion about putting up a church sign on Indiahoma Road as you turn in from the new highway.

      The ice cream social at school is coming up. We agreed to provide ice cream toppings as usual.


      Pastor Les talked about the order of worship and how he's hoping to blend what he is used to with what we are used to.  Alba asked if it would be possible to move the children's sermon to later in the service so she has time to get Children's Church ready. Sydney Perry asked if we could sing one song instead of two at the beginning of the service and have the acolytes bring in the light of Christ during the first song.

      Pastor Les told us that Anna Jones is interested in going into ministry.  She has done preparatory work and had an interview with District Superintendent Chris Tiger. The next step is for the church to support Anna in her candidacy program. This is a 9 month program (for Anna) that will answer the question "am I called?" and will answer the question for the church, "Are you called?" Pastor Les made a motion for the church to support Anna in her candidacy of ministry.  Maurice seconded the motion. Motion carried. After discussion, Fred made a motion to help Anna buy her books with an amount of $100.00.  Betty Bigbow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

      Robert Wood said, "It's nap time." Anna Jones seconded it. All in favor say, "Go Home!" Motion carried.

      Meeting adjourned.

      March 3, 2015
      Daryl Perry opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes from the April 12, 2015 meeting read and approved.

      4/12/15 - 5/1/15
      General fund:    9,459.58
      Building Fund: 16,508.11
      Total:                25,967.69

      Herwannah Jones made a motion to adopt the treasurer's report.
      Betty Bigbow seconded.
      All in favor say, "Yay Money!"
      Motion carried.

      Pastor Jim's last service will be May 31.  It will be a combined Indiahoma/Snyder service held at the Indiahoma Park Pavilion.
      Start time: 10:30 a.m. followed by a pot luck meal.
      Daryl will reserve the pavilion and ensure that restroom facilities are available.

      Daryl is the official lay representative at conference. Pastor Jim made the change at the
      conference level; Daryl's lovely wife will get him registered online.

      The first worship service with our new Pastor Les will be on June 7th. Daryl, Fred and Anna
      will do all of the service except for the sermon.

      The question was asked of Pastor Jim, "Can we still be friends?" We can certainly remain
      friends with the Perkin family; we just can't turn to them for pastoral needs.

      We need to find and wear our name tags on June 7th.

      The only item on Pastor Jim's list was the final service on May 31st which was covered
      in old business.

      Betty Bigbow made a motion to adjourn.  Al Bennett seconded. Motion carried.

      Daryl Perry closed the meeting with prayer.

      Meeting adjourned.

      • April 12, 2015
      Pastor Jim opened the meeting with prayer

      Minutes from the February 1, 2015 meeting read and approved.

      We are financially alive and well.
      General fund: 10,357.19
      Building Fund:  16,506.75
      Total:  26,863.94

      We have not yet paid our district apportionments; they should be less than $700.  We also have not paid any of our conference apportionments which total $6147.00.

      Alba has to write a letter to Sam's to get new names on the card: Alba Dissinger, Ken Wellhouse, Patsy Stoll.

      We are still saving money for heat and air. We have $12,000 saved and $700.00 more designated for heat & air from memorial donations.

      Buying new tables for fellowship hall was discussed.  The ones we have are old and very heavy.  Sam's has 8' tables for $80.00 each.  Herwannah made a motion to purchase 6 tables from Sam's, Robert seconded, Al Bennett said he will buy the 6 tables. Motion Moot.  Thank you Al!

      Spring Clean-up is a go on April 18. We'll have breakfast at church at 8:00 am then hand out bags so people can get out and pick up trash.

      New People, New Places grants was discussed.  The Vision Team will meet and report back.

      Alba would like to have VBS June 29-July 3. We will use "Mount Everest" VBS materials. Snyder is doing this same VBS. It should be easy and fun. Anna made a motion to accept the VBS plan.  Patsy seconded.  Motion carried.

      John Albright fixed our ice maker and charged only for the parts. ($93.00)

      After school program kids put pots of flowers around the church and other places in town.

      Patsy asked what to do with the spaghetti left over from 4th quarter in January.  Anna offered to feed it to her chickens.  Make it so.

      Mother's Day - Alba will get a couple of flats of flowers from the school Ag department.

      We will have our traditional Memorial Day service at the cemetery.

      Annual Conference begins May 25. Designated atendees are Pastor Jim, Sydney and Beth.

      Pastor Jim offered a Q&A time.
      How will we handle all of our new technology? Jim will find out how tech savvy our new pastor is and go from there. Sydney can handle getting the sermons posted on youtube and the website.

      Pastor Jim suggested we have our last service together on May 31 as the Lakeside service with Snyder.  The Snyder Lake is already booked for that date but we could do it at the Frederick Lake or at the refuge.

      Patsy made a motion to go home.

      Daryl closed the meeting with prayer.

      Meeting adjourned.

      • February 1, 2015
      Pastor Jim opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes from the August 3rd, 2014 meeting read and approved.

      12/16/14 - 1/16/15
      General fund: 12, 602.88
      Building Fund:  12,599.02
      Total:  25,201.90

      Herwannah made a motion to adopt the treasurer's report.  Anna seconded.  Motion carried.

      Otis Kimble and the troop in Turkey received the Christmas stockings that we sent.

      Summer Nights became Sonday Night Live.  SNL is now the second Sunday of the month.  It will be in the park when the weather is good.

      Children's Church is doing well.  The number of children is growing.

      Children's Sermon: Sign up with Pastor Jim if you want to be on the list of presenters.

      The Christmas sermon went well.  We need to go back up to 100 bags of candy.

      Requests to use Fellowship Hall

      1.  March 7, 1:00 pm, a wedding shower of Samantha Stoll Colleta's granddaughter).

      2.  Friday, March 23, afternoon/early evening, a pre-wedding dinner for Heidi Dissinger and Jake Carpenter.

      Twyla made a motion to say YES, Shelia seconded. Motion carried.

      April Spring Clean-up and breakfast at church tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 18.

      We need to purchase paper products.  Alba will update the Sam's card and get the appropriate names added to it.  We also need to get a first aid kit.  There is a list in the kitchen to add items we need to buy.

      The suggestion was made that we send thank you cards from the church when people donate to memorial funds or make other special donations.

      New People, New Places.  There is grant money available for projects to bring new people into the church. Deadline is for application is in the fall. Cuurent grants range from $1970 to $150,000.
      What can we do? Some ideas are: a day care, multipurpose building to use for lots of different things, and adult day care. Be thinking of ideas.  Nothing is too nuts.

      Herwannah closed the meeting with prayer.


      • August 3, 2014
      Pastor Jim opened the meeting with prayer. 

      Minutes from the May the 4th meeting read and approved.

      General Fund: $16,722.92
      Building Fund: $6917.40
      TOTAL:         $23,640.32
      We have paid 64.3% of our apportionments.

       1 – Alba bought graduation gifts for Mattie Jones and Tyler Rhoads but they still need to be given to the graduates.
       2 – Kids Camp went well.  Diego had a good time. 
      3 – We will get together to address invitations to the Welcome Home Party on Thurs, AUG 6, at 6:00 p.m.
       4 – The Town Birthday party starts at 6:30-7:00ish.  IUMC Praise Band will perform first, at 7:00 p.m. 
      5 – Welcome Home Celebration is Sunday, AUG 24, with lunch after the church service.

      1 – We will meet at church on Friday, AUG 8, at 10:00 a.m. to hang Summer Nights door hangers on Indiahoma front doors. 
      2 – We voted to adopt a platoon for Christmas.  We will start gathering items in September for one huge goody box to be shared among those in the platoon.  Anna will make a list of appropriate items.
       3 – There was a discussion about changing the specific Saturday on which Men’s Breakfast will meet. The final plan was to be flexible and choose the best Saturday for each month.

      Maurice Jones closed the meeting with prayer.

      • May 4, 2014
      Daryl Perry opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes from the April 6, 2014 meeting were read and approved.

      General Fund: 12,982.97
      Building Fund: 12,151.67
      TOTAL:         25,134.64

      Review of Upcoming Dates:
      May 25: Memorial Service at the cemetery
      May 26-29: Annual Conference in Oklahoma City
      June 2-6: Vacation Bible School with a hot dog lunch on Friday
      June 7: Cowboy Breakfast at Fred & Alba Dissinger's
      June 8: Lakeside service at Tom Steed with Snyder (tentative)
      August 23: City Birthday Party
      August 23-24: Welcome Home celebration


      Kids Camp at Canyon Camp, for kids going into 3rd-5th grades.
      July 14-16, arrive 1:00 p.m on July 14 and leave 3:00 p.m. on July 16.
      Mary Lynn Perkin will be our kids' camp counselor.

      Screens and projector have been purchased.  We need a crew to help with installation.  Men's breakfast is May 17.  We'll have a work day following the breakfast to do the installation work.

      Alba mentioned cleaning out the cabinets and organizing supplies to get ready for VBS.  We will do spring cleaning on May 17 and probably some other Saturdays as well.

      Janie Harrell asked if her family could possibly use the Fellowship Hall to host a reception for Tyler Rhoad's graduation. Unanimous decision: Of course you can, that's what Fellowship Hall is for.

      Pastor Jim thanked Katherine Hunt for taking the family photos at the Easter Sunday service. Jim was also thanked for printing and burning all of the pictures to CDs.

      Daryl Perry thanked everyone for being at the meeting.  It takes all of us to do what needs to be done.

      Meeting adjourned.

      • April 6, 2014
      Pastor Jim opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes from the January 5, 2014 meeting were read and approved.

      General Fund - 12,385.35
      Building Fund - 10040.66
      TOTAL         - 22424.01

      We can buy an air conditioner now!  (When one is needed, that is.)

      Virginia Perry donated her birthday money to the heat an air fund. ($210.00)
      Jesse Robertson's memorial contributions total over $900.00 to date.

      VBS will be June 2-6
      Trash Off is Saturday, April 26.  We will host breakfast at church.
      Memorial weekend service is May 25.
      Cowboy breakfast at Fred and Alba's house, tentatively June 7th.
      Holy Week services will be Maundy Thursday at Snyder and Good Friday at Indiahoma.
      We plan on having another Welcome Home celebration in August.  The town birthday party is Saturday, August 23.

      January was tough with wisdom teeth removal, flu, bad weather...

      Jim asked us to imagine what our church will be like in 10 years.  We are at a critical point in time.  We have money and people to do something about it now. If not us, who?  If not nos, when?

      Jim proposed having a Summer Nights contemporary service on Sunday evenings during the summer. This is to draw people in who don't want to come to a regular morning service. We talked about getting a projector and screens for contemporary music. After discussion, Patsy Stoll made a motion to use our blessings of money to buy the projector and screens. Anna Jones seconded, motion carried. 

      A committee was selected and elected to decide on placement of the screens and set the project in motion.

      Fred made a motion to adjourn; Landen seconded, Daryl closed the meeting with a benediction.

      • January 5, 2014
      Daryl Perry opened the meeting with prayer.

      Minutes of the Nov 3, 2013 board meeting were read and approved.

      No Treasurers Report; Harold and Alba are missing in action.

      Old Business:
      The wireless microphones have been installed.  We bought rechargable batteries and a charger.  Everything cost approximately $575.00.

      Herwannah had a good Thanksgiving celebration in the Fellowship Hall.

      No New Business.

      Pastor's Report:
      Miracles of Jesus Bible Study will start next week.  

      The next study will be a Lenten study.

      Ash Wednesday is the first week in March.
      Jim will be gone this week to Canyo Camp Youth Districts,

      Monday, January 13, 2014, Jim will have his wisdom teeth pulled.

      Charge Conference: A New Team = Vision Team

      We'll meet and look at demographic information at the end of January.

      February 8 is the Reignite workshop in Duncan.

      Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at Cameron Campus Ministries.

      April 5 & 6 is Lay Leader School.

      Nap Time Adjourns the meeting.

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