Patrick opened the meeting with prayer.
Treasurers' Report:
On October 1 the third apportionment payment was made.
Building Fund---$5,159.89
General Fund---$6,909.14
Harold asked how he should pay the $667.97 for the new refrigerator. Daryl said, "Pay it all at once." Everyone agreed. Harold will write the check out of the building fund.
The United Methodist Women (UMW) are doing great. Daryl thanked them for helping a family pay their water bill. Herwannah answered, "What else would we do with our money if we didn't help people?"
Trustees said we need to act quickly on getting the stained glass window fixed. Patrick will get a hold of Bob Warren this week and see if he can get started soon. They also thanked Harold for purchasing the new refrigerator and getting it installed.
Pastor's report:
- Charge Conference went very well. The District Superintendent told Patrick that he always enjoys being with us and feels quite at home in Indiahoma.
- Ooze Fest at Cache UMC was a really good time. Three from our church went with a total of 142 youth from around the district and 165 total people enjoying good music, good fellowship, good devotion, good food and MUD.
- Two youth from Indiahoma will go on the Lawton District Youth Mission Trip in June. They will fix a church, work at a soup kitchen and maybe a homeless shelter in Espanola, New Mexico. Fifty youth from the Lawton District will go on the mission trip June 20-26, 2010. Each participant has to pay $100 deposit to go. Patrick asked if the church would pay the deposit for our two participants. Daryl entertained a motion to pay the $200 deposit, Virginia made the motion, Hewannah 2nded, motion carried.
- The after school program started with three kids and nine adults. It went well. We look forward to seeing it grow.
- Crossfire Lawton District Conference---1st UMC Lawton, October 25, 3:00 p.m. Worship begins at 4:00 with Bishop Hayes speaking. He's a phenomenal speaker. After the worship service are afterglow breakout sessions for youth, young adults, and adults.
New Business: Alba asked if anyone is interested in having a church garage sale. She has three truck loads of stuff to get rid of. I guess she'll be going to the Goodwill as there was no interest expressed.
Fred made a motion that was 2nded by Betty to adjourn. Fred closed the meeting with prayer.
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