Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday, July 25

Patrick is just back from a week at camp with 125 district youth. He said he was exhausted, but seemed energized as he was there 100% with another great service.

Good sermon (the prodigal son), good music, good prayers.

The service closed with a favorite hymn, "Let There Be Peace On Earth" (google the words if you aren't familiar with it) and the benediction: "Dance the dance of salvation, experience the joy of the Lord in new ways, and share that joy with others." (Probably not a direct quote but the way I remember it).

Thanks Patrick for your amazing service and leadership.

Thanks Janie for playing the piano every Sunday, whether you feel good or not.

Thanks Herwannah for always leading the choir with a positive and joyful attitude (and so much more).

And a final thank you to the congregation for coming to worship regardless of circumstances. You are a blessing.

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G. HUBBARD said...
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