Sunday, December 6, 2015

First Sunday of Advent: November 29, 2015

We light the candle of HOPE.

With each new sunrise comes hope for a new day.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
~ Romans 15:13 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Charge Conference 2015

On October 4, 2015 at 5:30 pm, we met in the Cache UMC Sanctuary for our yearly Charge Conference.  This is the first time we’ve done it as a group of small churches.  Because of the new district alignment, we now have too many churches in our district to do individual Charge Conferences.

District Superintendent Chris Tiger opened the meeting with prayer. A representative from each church stood up and shared what is going on in his/her church.  Fred Dissinger did an excellent job telling about the things we have done this past year.  Four other churches were there: Manitou, Wesley Chapel, Elmer and Tipton.  We have the largest congregation of them all.  Manitou and Tipton have single digit attendance.

The pastors each spoke briefly describing the life of their churches.

The last part of the business meeting was voting.
1. Pastor’s Compensation (his paycheck) – Daryl made a motion to accept the Pastor’s compensation, Patsy Stoll seconded.  Motion passed.
2. Nominations (new people on committees) – Shelia Wood made a motion to accept the Nominations report; Alba Dissinger seconded. Motion passed.
3. Approval of Lay Servant status (Daryl and Anna) – Herwanna made a motion to approve the Lay Servant status, Fred Dissinger seconded. Motion passed.
4. Voting for Anna Jones’ Mission Candidacy was voted for by secret ballot. Passed.

The meeting was closed with prayer.  We left the sanctuary and entered Fellowship Hall where the Cache Church had prepared a feast of hamburgers, hot dogs and pulled pork sandwiches with all the trimmings.  There was a separate table of salads and another of desserts.  Nolan Watson hired a security team to guard the desserts. (That's Nolan's sense of humor.)

Dinner was followed by a worship service.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Welcome Home 2015!

August 30, 2015
9:30 am
Indiahoma UMC Welcome Home Service

10:45 am
Gathering, visiting and Sunday School

12:30 pm
Welcome Home Pot Luck Luncheon

Everyone Welcome

Sunday, August 23, 2015

August Celebrations

August 29, 2015, 7:00 pm - Indiahoma Town Birthday Party in the Town Park.  Music & Cake.

August 30, 2015
9:30 am
Indiahoma UMC Welcome Home Service

10:45 am
Gathering, visiting and Sunday School

12:30 pm
Welcome Home Pot Luck Luncheon

Everyone Welcome

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Communicating for 75 Years

Happy Birthday UMCOM!

(United Methodist Communications)

For Methodists, 1940 saw the first formal
introduction of an agency responsible for
communications. Rev. Ralph Stoody carved
a milestone when he opened the Methodist Information... Read More

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Vacation Bible School 2015

June 29-July 3
9:00-11:30 am
Indiahoma United Methodist Church
401 Potter Ave
Indiahoma, OK 73552

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Seasons of the Church Year.

The Church Year is also known as the Liturgical Year.

There are six distinct periods of Christian observances, each focuses upon a different aspect of the Christian experience and tradition. These periods or seasons do not necessarily occur on the same dates from year to year, but are related to the dates of the two principal Christian celebrations of Christmas and Easter.

(1) Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas.

(2) The Christmas Season includes the twelve days from sunset Christmas Eve (December 24) through Epiphany (January 6).

(3) The Season After Epiphany begins January 7 and lasts until Ash Wednesday.

(4) Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts until Easter. The exact dates of Lent depend on the date for Easter Sunday.

(5) Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21. Because the date for Easter moves between March 22 and April 25, the length of the Season after Epiphany and the Season after Pentecost varies. The Easter Season is fifty days long and goes through the Day of Pentecost.

(6) The Season After Pentecost begins immediately after Pentecost Sunday and continues until the beginning of Advent. This season is known as Ordinary Time.

The Liturgical Year - The United Methodist Church

Image found on Google, advanced search, free to use and share.

Image's location is Waiting For The Word.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Only TWO weeks left with Pastor Jim and Family

Sunday, May 24th, 9:30 am - Memorial Service at the IOOF Cemetery.  If it's too wet, we will meet at church as usual.

Sunday, May 31st, 10:30 am - Worship service with Snyder at Indiahoma City Park Pavilion. Fellowship meal following worship.  If it's too wet, we will meet at Snyder UMC.

Sunday, June 7th, 9:30 am - First worship service with Pastor Les.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Video for Mother's Day

View this video on the UMC website or on Youtube.

You might need a box of tissues.

Happy Mother's Day!

Leave a comment about  your mom.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

An Earth Day Prayer

Watch on YouTube

God created humanity in God’s own image…and said to them, “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and master it. Take care of the fish of the sea, the birds in the sky, and everything crawling on the ground." Then God said, “I now give to you all the plants on the earth that yield seeds and all the trees whose fruit produces its seeds within it. These will be your food. To all wildlife, to all the birds in the sky, and to everything crawling on the ground—to everything that breathes—I give all the green grasses for food.” And that’s what happened. God saw everything he had made: it was supremely good. Genesis 1:27-31 CEB

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Holy Week Continues

Image shared for free by Festival Trend.

"These are the best collection of pictures, Wishes, Wallpapers, Images, SMS on Easter Day. You are all free to download and share these collections." ~

Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

Our Good Friday Service will be at our sister church in Snyder, OK.
918 E St, Snyder, OK 73566
(580) 569-2734
6:00 pm

Image found using Google Advanced Search, Free to Use or Share.

2013 Mahieu Summer. Licensed under CC-BY.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Holy Thursday Service

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 2, 2015

6:00 pm

Indiahoma UMC

The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”  In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”  For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26  New International Version (NIV)

Photo found using Google advanced search "free to use and share."
Photo licensed by

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lent 101

Click this LINK for an easy to read and informative article about Lent.

What is Lent?

When is Lent?

What does Mardi Gras have to do with Lent?

Why should I do Lent?

When should I start?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

An Ash Wednesday Blessing

Bless this day of ashes,
This space, this pause.
May we be open,
May we be honest,
May we be mindful.
May we be patient,
May we be quiet,
May we be gentle.

Beth A. Richardson

Photo found on Google Images, advanced search, free to use and share.
Originally posted on wikipedia.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ash Wednesday


February 18, 2015
5:00 pm

Indiahoma United Methodist Church

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. If you need a reminder of what Lent is about, here's a link to an article called Lent 101. 

To download a free copy of a past issue of Alive Now! magazine about Lent, click here.

Join us this Wednesday as we begin our Journey to Easter.