December 6 2009
Patrick opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the November meeting read and approved.
Treasurers' Report: building Fund $3942.45 + General Fund 6590.45 = $10,532.90
We've paid $2000 labor & $248.72 for materials for church repairs.
UMW Report - All is well.
Trustees Report - The window looks great. Ronnie is going to come back and match the paint. The bathrooms are much better. We might consider putting ADA toilets in the Fellowship Hall bathrooms. We need to get the speakers on the wall and run a separate line for our sound system. In spring we'll spruce up the courtyard and fix the bricks under the bell tower.
Choir Report - There are only two Wednesdays left for Christmas Program practice.
Pastor's Report:
1. The after school reading program is doing well. We need more helpers to tutor.
2. The District Youth Lock In that was scheduled for DEC 31 has been postponed.
3. WED, DEC 9th at 12 noon we will host a free lunch for Indiahoma High School students. We discussed who will cook lasagna, who can be at church to set up and serve. Patrick will buy the food at Sam's. Patrick will also do a devotional while the kids eat.
4. DEC 13 IUMC will go se CUMC's Living Nativity with SUMC.
5. DEC 20 at 7:00 p.m. is the Indiahoma UMC Christmas Program.
6. Patrick will be gone DEC 27 celebrating Christmas in Ft. Worth. Daryl will preach that Sunday.
Old Business:
1. Our church gave $150 to the school robotics team for their National Competition trip.
2. Daryl has 2 slabs from the Mesquite tree that was cut down.
3. Christmas Eve service will probably be at 7:00 p.m.
New Business:
1. We decided to sponsor two students from the Indiahoma Angel Tree. Alba will buy the gifts and decide how much to spend.
2. The church Christmas tree is getting old. Katherine made a motion to buy a new pre-lit tree after Christmas. Colleta seconded. All in favor say, "Get a new tree!" Motion carried.
Fred dismissed us with prayer.