Administrative Board Meeting
February 7, 2010
Fred opened the meeting with prayer.
The minutes from the December 2009 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurers Report:
General Fund - $4228.89
Building Fund - $1735.95
Total ---------- $5964.84
Old Business:
New Business:
Colleta made a motion to adjourn.
Virginia closed the meeting with prayer.
The minutes from the December 2009 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurers Report:
General Fund - $4228.89
Building Fund - $1735.95
Total ---------- $5964.84
- We spent $190 on the lunch for Indiahoma High School students.
- Bathroom expenses were discussed.
- Future expenses include: fixing the window in the bell tower, repairing the south door to Fellowship Hall, patching and painting the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall
- Katherine made a motion to hire Ronnie Calhoun to patch and paint the sanctuary for $200 and to get an estimate for doing Fellowship Hall also. Collene 2nd. All in favor say, “Patch and Paint!” Motion approved.
- Herwannah made a motion to repair the Bell tower window by putting the Methodist Emblem between two pieces of laminate, replace the double doors with a single metal door and have a sign made for the door (enter on south side of church). Deloris 2nd. All in favor say, “Fix the Belltower!” Motion approved.
- Daryl will get Jimmy to look at the Fellowship Hall south door.
Old Business:
- We bought Indiahoma School Christmas Angel Tree gifts for a boy and a girl.
- Alba didn’t find a good deal on an after-Christmas clearance sale Christmas tree so we will use our old one another year and try to get a good deal next year.
- Nine kids went caroling and had a great time. So did the sponsoring adults. They especially enjoyed using the Lien’s flat bed trailer.
- We talked about providing more substantial food for the after school tutoring kids.
New Business:
- VBS dates are June 14-18, with Fathers Day on the following Sunday.
- Lunch for Indiahoma High School Students is on WED, FEB 24. BBQ beef sandwiches.
- Lawton District Leadership Training has been rescheduled for SUN, FEB 28.
- Haiti Health kits were mentioned.
- April 17 is Spring Clean Up/Trash Off & Church work day.
Colleta made a motion to adjourn.
Virginia closed the meeting with prayer.
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