Saturday, February 13, 2010

Administrative Board Meeting

Administrative Board Meeting
February 7, 2010

Fred opened the meeting with prayer.

The minutes from the December 2009 meeting were read and approved.

Treasurers Report:

General Fund - $4228.89
Building Fund - $1735.95
Total ---------- $5964.84

  • We spent $190 on the lunch for Indiahoma High School students.
  • Bathroom expenses were discussed.
  • Future expenses include: fixing the window in the bell tower, repairing the south door to Fellowship Hall, patching and painting the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall
  • Katherine made a motion to hire Ronnie Calhoun to patch and paint the sanctuary for $200 and to get an estimate for doing Fellowship Hall also. Collene 2nd. All in favor say, “Patch and Paint!” Motion approved.
  • Herwannah made a motion to repair the Bell tower window by putting the Methodist Emblem between two pieces of laminate, replace the double doors with a single metal door and have a sign made for the door (enter on south side of church). Deloris 2nd. All in favor say, “Fix the Belltower!” Motion approved.
  • Daryl will get Jimmy to look at the Fellowship Hall south door.

Old Business:
  • We bought Indiahoma School Christmas Angel Tree gifts for a boy and a girl.
  • Alba didn’t find a good deal on an after-Christmas clearance sale Christmas tree so we will use our old one another year and try to get a good deal next year.
  • Nine kids went caroling and had a great time. So did the sponsoring adults. They especially enjoyed using the Lien’s flat bed trailer.
  • We talked about providing more substantial food for the after school tutoring kids.

New Business:
  • VBS dates are June 14-18, with Fathers Day on the following Sunday.
  • Lunch for Indiahoma High School Students is on WED, FEB 24. BBQ beef sandwiches.
  • Lawton District Leadership Training has been rescheduled for SUN, FEB 28.
  • Haiti Health kits were mentioned.
  • April 17 is Spring Clean Up/Trash Off & Church work day.

Colleta made a motion to adjourn.
Virginia closed the meeting with prayer.

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