Saturday, March 27, 2010

Send Crosswire to Illinois

Crosswire has played at many of our Lawton District churches and was the featured teen entertainment at the Lawton District Conference in 2009. The band wants to play in the Cornerstone Christian Music Festival this summer and we can help send them there. The 12 bands with the most votes will be going to Illinois in July.

You can vote for Crosswire at Go to the website, register (create an account), get your password from your email, log in to Cornerstone, click on New Band Showcase 2010 - Vote Now, scroll down and click on Crosswire, then cast your vote. There are several steps the first time you vote. You can vote daily and by bookmarking the page you cast your vote on, you can go directly to that page once a day to vote.

Some people in the music Industry will listen to the remaining bands and select their 4 favorites, making a total of 16 bands participating in a battle of the bands competition. The winner gets to play on the main stage with Skillet, a very popular Christian rock band. Let's send these boys to Illinois to represent Oklahoma at Cornerstone Festival.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Administrative Board Meeting

Administrative Board Meeting Minutes. March 7, 2010
Patrick opened the meeting with prayer.

Minutes from the February meeting read and approved.

Treasurers’ Report: $208 was received at the BBQ sandwich lunch before the board meeting.
Harold said, “We need to quit spending money.”
January propane bill = $700.00
February propane bill = $1026.00
March bill is $600 so far.
Remember to turn down the heat after using the church.
Building Fund = $1800.40
General Fund = $2270.82
Total = $4071.22
Harold will pay the first apportionment payment at the end of March.

Pastor’s Report:
There were 15 in attendance at the Ash Wednesday Service.
The High School Outreach Lunch (FEB 24) was great. We voted to continue it next year.
March 22, 2010 is the Lawton District Youth Council at Cache UMC.
March 28, 2010 is the Snyder Ministerial Alliance Holy Week Service at Snyder UMC.
April 1, 2010, 6:30 p.m. - Maundy Thursday Service at Indiahoma UMC
April 2, 2010, 6:30 p.m. - Good Friday Service at Snyder UMC
April 17, 2010 is the annual Trash Off and District Lay Speaker Training (9:00-4:00)
Patrick and Daryl are both teaching at the Lay Speaker Training.
Daryl doesn’t teach until the afternoon so he’ll participate in Trash Off.
Patrick said he heard there were about 4000 health kits sent form Oklahoma.
He thought it was great that a church our size sent 139.

Old Business:
Alba will get VBS supplies at the Salt Cellar by the end of March.

New Business:
Herwannah asked if the Elementary Academic Team could have their tournament at our church.
Permission was granted. (NOTE: Grandfield, Chatty & Elmore City came to the tournament. Indiahoma won First Place)
Billye suggested we have a Thursday Night Meeting to watch DVDs and Videos with
Christian Instructional Emphasis. Patrick & Billye will plan how to proceed.

Jim Lien closed the meeting with prayer.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Sand Dollar Children's Sermon

Fred brought sand dollars collected from Texas beaches to share with the children last Sunday morning. He showed the kids how one side of the sand dollar looks like a Christmas poinsettia and the other side looks like an Easter lily. But most fun was when he child got to break open the sand dollar and find five little doves inside.