Treasurers’ Report: $2313.97 was paid for apportionments & new refrigerator. We are solvent.
Trustees’ Report: By motion and vote Jimmy Neugebauer was hired to replace the frame and support system for the stained glass window at a cost of $1250 labor and we buy the materials ($300--$350). We will get composite material instead of wood and treated wood for the support with a ¼” Lexan cover outside the window for weather and damage protection.
There was discussion about hiring Jimmy to fix the old bathrooms after the window project.
Pastor’s Report: Two IUMC youth went to Haunted Corn Maze in Weatherford.
Crossfire District Conference was a big success.
After-School Tutoring on Thursdays is touching children’s lives.
Two IUMC youth (Mattie & Cassie) will go on the District Mission Trip in June
December 31st---District Youth Lock-In at Centenary UMC, Lawton, 7pm-7am
December 9, free lunch for high school kids at our church
December 13, attend Cache UMC Live Nativity with Snyder UMC
Patrick will be in Nebraska, November 23-28, celebrating Thanksgiving
New Business: Senior Citizen’s Christmas Celebration is December 13.
Calendars are in. Alba is making labels for the calendars to let people know they are gifts from our church. They will be given to teachers, city workers and postal employees. Anyone else who would like to buy one, they are available for $5.00
Indiahoma School Robotics Team is going to National Competition in December. Each of the 9 students need $75 to attend. The school is looking for sponsors. We voted to sponsor two students if they did not find other sponsorship.
Wednesday, December 16 is the date set for Christmas Caroling.
Matt Roberts offered to cut down the dead mesquite tree in the parking lot and use it for firewood.
After discussion, a motion and a vote, Matt will cut down the tree, leaving us a slice to use to determine the tree’s age and for an historical display.
Meeting Adjourned